Key note
- Building simulation faculty
- Mastering excellence in competency based simulation
- What’s next? New horizons of research and development in healthcare simulation
- Debriefer’s aspirations: Walk the talk
- Intersection of simulation and QI: Dream or Reality
- Nurses in healthcare simulation – One + One is much more than two
- Little drops of water make a mighty ocean: Application of micro and nano simulation
Panel Discussions
- Simulation career in India: Scope or Hype
- AI revolution in simulation: Is it time to rebuild?
- Power of interprofessional simulation – let’s do it
- Perfect is the enemy of good – accepting imperfections in simulation
- Healthcare simulation beyond healthcare professionals
- One size doesn’t fit all: Cultural aspects of debriefing
- Experienced educationalist to expert simulationist: Navigating the journey
- Adverse outcomes in Simulation: Hindrance or Boost
- Gamification in healthcare simulation is not child’s play
- Can we build a business case for simulation?
- Real event debriefing: Not a peaceful sanctuary